DO brush your teeth after every meal (or non-water drink)

Just like with braces, it is important to brush your teeth every time you eat or drink anything other than water, before putting your aligners back in. Travel-size toothbrushes will fit in your pocket or bag, so that you can brush your teeth on the go.

DON’T leave your aligners within reach of children or pets.

Cats like to knock things off of countertops, and they may fall somewhere where they are hard to find. Aligners and cases may look very chewable to dogs, so keep your aligners safely stored.

DON’T use denture cleaner to clean your aligners.

Denture cleaner could eat away at the material. The best way to clean your aligners is by using cool water and some of your Daily White™ Fusion™ that comes with the aligners.

DO wear a night guard if you grind your teeth while sleeping.

Get one that is not molded to your teeth, so that the aligners will still fit.